

The 3rd TMU- HSUH Joint Symposium in Dentistry was held on 27th August, 2021.

On 27th August, 2021, the 3rd Joint Symposium was held online between the School of Dentistry, Taipei Medical University and the School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido. This symposium started out as an annual event that would be held on a rotating basis between the two schools. However last year, it was postponed due to the global spread of COVID-19. Finally this year, we rescheduled. But as the situation caused by Covid-19 was not subsided, both schools had to hold it online. Two professors from both schools presented their research at the symposium, and more than 130 people attended. There was a lively question and answer session. The event was concluded with the words of the deans of both schools, “We strongly hope that the pandemic will be reduced, and next year, we will definitely hold this event in person.”



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