研究内容 Research

1) 後発医薬品の製剤学的品質評価
Pharmaceutic profiles of generic drugs are often reported differ from the original drug. Quality, efficacy, and safety profiles of generic drugs were not elucidated in detail. We have reported on the pharmaceutic profiles of generic drugs.

2) 固体分散体形成を応用した難水溶性薬物の溶解性と生物学的利用能の改善
Reported insoluble drugs were limited by the step of absorption in the intestine. The solubility profile of insoluble drugs in the intestin should affect variance of bioavailability among individual and, physiological differences. We have previously reported on improvement of solubility and bioavailability of insoluble drugs used with a hydrophilic polymer carrier as a dispersed solid system.

3) ChREBPの活性制御機構の解明
Elucidation of the mechanism of ChREBP activation.
Carbohydrate response element binding protein (ChREBP, Also known as MLXIPL: MLX interacting protein like) is a transcription factor that plays a critical role in glucose-mediated induction of genes involved in hepatic glycolysis and lipogenesis. Circulating blood glucose levels regulate ChREBP activity in hepatocytes; however, the detailed underlying mechanism for this remains unclear. In our previous study, we found that the nuclear import of ChREBP is regulated in a glucose-dependent manner. We are currently identifying the novel, glucose-insensitive nuclear localization signals of ChREBP, responsible for its basal activity. Moreover, we are investigating the effect of O-GlcNAc modification on DNA-binding of ChREBP.

4) 糖鎖修飾が膜タンパク質の極性輸送に及ぼす影響
Glycosylation as an apical sorting signal.
Several studies have suggested that protein glycosylation functions as an apical sorting signal in polarized epithelial cells. Previously, we have observed that in hepatocytes, fucosylation regulates glycoprotein secretion into the bile canaliculus. We are currently investigating the effect of glycosylation on apico-basal distribution of membrane proteins, such as GLUT2, in intestinal cells.

Micro RNA (miR) is a non-cording RNA, which concists of about a 20mer short-chain nucleotide sequence. MiRs play crucial roles in cell functions by inhibiting complementary RNAs, depending on RNA interference. We have previously reported on prognoses and responses to chemotherapies in patients with cancer using biopsies, serum and cultured cells. We investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms of cancer using molecular biology, statistics, bioinformatics, and genome editing.

The effect of anticancer drugs on expression levels of drug transporters have been evaluated using cultured cells and animals.

Expression levels of NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT1, are incresed by calorie restriction. SIRT1 is a key regulator of several aspects of metabolism and aging. Furthermore, SIRT1 regulates functions of tumors, genomic stability, the endocrine system, and cognition; facilitation of SIRT1 and Pgc-1α, Igfbp extends the life span. We have reported a new function of Kurozu, traditional vinegar made from rice; Kurozu treatment stimulated expression of SIRT1 and Pgc-1α, Igfbp, which improves senescence.
