口腔生物学系 微生物学


Fujita M, Chiu CH, Nagano K.
Transcriptional analysis of the mfa-cluster genes in Porphyromonas gingivalis strains with one and two mfa5 genes.
Mol Oral Microbiol 38(1):41-47 (2023).

Yokogawa T, Nagano K, Fujita M, Miyakawa H, Iijima M.
Characterization of a Treponema denticola ATCC 35405 mutant strain with mutation accumulation, including a lack of phage-derived genes.
PLoS One 17(6):e0270198 (2022).

Sakae K, Nagano K, Furuhashi M, Hasegawa Y.
Diversity analysis of genes encoding Mfa1 fimbrial components in Porphyromonas
PLoS ONE 16(7): e0255111 (2021).

Yamashita M, Nagasawa T, Kato S, Miyakawa H, Fujita M, Furuichi Y, Nagano K.
Draft genome sequence of Neisseria mucosa strain HSUH001, isolated from an aggressive periodontal lesion.
Microbiol Resour Announc 10(19):e00238-21 (2021).

Nagano K, Hasegawa Y, Yoshida Y, Yoshimura F.
Comparative analysis of motility and other properties of Treponema denticola strains.
Microb Pathog 102:82-88 (2017).

Nagano K, Hasegawa Y, Yoshida Y, Yoshimura F.
A major fimbrilin variant of Mfa1 fimbriae in Porphyromonas gingivalis.
J Dent Res 94:1143-1148 (2015)

Nagano K, Hasegawa Y, Murakami Y, Nishiyama S, Yoshimura F.
FimB regulates FimA fimbriation in Porphyromonas gingivalis.
J Dent Res 89:903-908 (2010)

Sugawara E, Nagano K, Nikaido H.
Factors affecting the folding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa OprF porin into the one-domain open conformer.
mBio 1:e00228-00210 (2010)

Nagano K, Nikaido H.
Kinetic behavior of the major multidrug efflux pump AcrB of Escherichia coli.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:5854-5858 (2009)

Nagano K, Read EK, Murakami Y, Masuda T, Noguchi T, Yoshimura F.
Trimeric structure of major outer membrane proteins homologous to OmpA in Porphyromonas gingivalis.
J Bacteriol 187:902-911 (2005)

Nagano K, Taguchi K, Hara T, Yokoyama S, Kawada K, Mori H.
Adhesion and colonization of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cecum of mice.
Microbiol Immunol 47:125-132 (2003)


 歯周病関連細菌(Porphyromonas gingivalisTannerella forsythiaTreponema denticolaPrevotella spp.等)のバイオフィルム形成機構に関する分子生物学的手法を用いた解析

 天然精油Tea Tree Oilの口腔細菌に対する抗菌ならびに抗バイオフィルム効果の検討と歯科臨床応用のための基礎的研究

