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Okada Y, Sato T, Islam ST, Ohke H, Saitoh M, Ishii H (2024) Site-specific autonomic vasomotor responses and their interactions in rat gingiva. Microvasc Res, 152: 104646.

Ramadhani R, Sato T, Ishikawa R, Okada Y, Ohke H and Ishii H (2023) Differences in the regulatory mechanism of blood flow in the orofacial area mediated by neural and humoral systems. J Comp Physiol B, 193: 109-124.

Mito K, Sato T, Ishikawa R, Ramadhani R, Okada Y, Hirohata Y, Saito T and Ishii H (2021) Age-related decrease of cholinergic parasympathetic reflex vasodilation in the rat masseter muscle. Microvasc Res, 138: 104214.

Sato T, Mito K and Ishii H (2020) Relationship between impaired parasympathetic vasodilation and hyposalivation in parotid glands associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 318: R940-R949.

Ohke H, Sato T, Mito K, Terumitsu M and Ishii H. (2020) Effect of the parasympathetic vasodilation on temperature regulation via trigeminal afferents in the orofacial area. J Physiol Sci 70: 22.

Ishii H and Sato T (2017) Interactions between β-adrenergic vasodilation and cervical sympathetic nerves are mediated by α2-adrenoceptors in the rat masseter muscle. J Physiol Sci 67: 699-709.

Hasan MR, Ishii H, Irie K and Saito T. (2016) Evaluation of the bio-physiological efficacy of tooth storage media based on normal physiological parameters. Dent J Health Sci Univ Hokkaido 35: 17-20, 2016.

Sato T and Ishii H (2015) Differences in control of parasympathetic vasodilation between submandibular and sublingual glands in the rat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 309: R1432-R1438.

Ishii H, Sato T and Izumi H. (2014) Parasympathetic reflex vasodilation in the cerebral haemodynamics of rats. J Comp Physiol B 184: 385-399.

新岡丈治、石井久淑.2013)ラット咬筋の基礎血流調節に対するサブスタンスPの作用. 北医療大歯誌 321):21-31.

Ishii H and Izumi H (2012) GABAB receptors in the NTS mediate the inhibitory effect of trigeminal nociceptive inputs on parasympathetic reflex vasodilation in the rat masseter muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302: R776-R784.

Izumi H, Ishii H and Mizuta K (2011) Anterior hypothalamic inhibition of reflex parasympathetic vasodilatation in the lower lip and palate of anaesthetized cats. Dent J Health Sci Univ Hokkaido 30: 43-52.

Ishii H, Niioka T and Izumi H (2011) Parasympathetic reflex vasodilatation in the masseter muscle compensates for carotid hypoperfusion during the vagus-mediated depressor response. Brain Res 1370: 145-153.

Ishii H, Niioka T and Izumi H (2010) Vagal visceral inputs to the nucleus of the solitary tract: involvement in a parasympathetic reflex vasodilator pathway in the rat masseter muscle. Brain Res 1312: 41-53.

Sudo E, Ishii H, Niioka T, Hirai T and Izumi H (2009) Parasympathetic vasodilator fibers in rat digastric muscle. Brain Res 1302: 125-131.

Koeda S, Ishii H, Kuchiiwa S and Izumi H (2009) Role of the spinal trigeminal nucleus in the rat autonomic reflex. Arch Oral Biol 54: 1136-1142.

Niioka T, Ishii H and Izumi H (2009) Regional differences in blood flow variation in rat masseter muscle. Arch Oral Biol 54: 1022-1028.

Niioka T, Ishii H and Izumi H (2009) Involvement of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the parasympathetic vasodilatation of the rat masseter muscle. Arch Oral Biol 54: 909-916.

Saito M, Toyoda H, Sato H, Ishii H and Kang Y (2009) Rapid use-dependent down-regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors in rat mesencephalic trigeminal neurons. J Neurosci Res 87: 3120-3133.

Ishii H, Niioka T and Izumi H (2009) Difference between male and female rats in cholinergic activity of parasympathetic vasodilatation in the masseter muscle. Arch Oral Biol 54: 533-542.

Ishii H, Niioka T and Izumi H (2009) Circulating adrenaline released by sympathoadrenal activation elicits acute vasodilatation in the rat masseter muscle. Arch Oral Biol 54: 486-494.

Watanabe H, Ishii H, Niioka T, Yamamuro M and Izumi H (2008) Occurrence of parasympathetic vasodilator fibers in the lower lip of the guinea-pig. J Comp Physiol [B]. 178: 297-305.

Ishii H, Niioka T, Watanabe H and Izumi H (2007) Inhibitory effects of excess sympathetic activity on parasympathetic vasodilatation in the rat masseter muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 293: R729-36.

渡邉秀和,新岡丈治,石井久淑,和泉博之(2006)二次元レーザー血流計を用いた血流測定の特徴.北医療大歯誌 25: 109-117.

Mizuta K, Mizuta F, Takahashi M, Ishii H, Niioka T and Izumi H (2006) Effects of isoflurane on parasympathetic vasodialtation in rat submandibular gland. J Dent Res 85: 379-383.

Ishii H, Niioka T, Sudo E and Izumi H (2005) Evidence for parasympathetic vasodilator fibres in the rat masseter muscle. J Physiol (Lond) 569: 617-629.

Inomata K, Ishii H, Oota I and Kurahashi M (2004) The electrical change on the papilla parotidea by tongue stimulation and by injection of collected saliva. Higashi Nippon Dent J 23: 189-195.

Izumi H, Nakamura I and Ishii H (2004) Suppression of inferior alveolar nerve-induced vasoconstrictor response by ongoing cervical sympathetic nerve activity in cat. Arch Oral Biol 49: 1035-1041.

Yamaguchi A, Ishii H, Morita I, Oota I and Takeda H (2004) mRNA expression of fibroblast growth factors and hepatocyte growth factor in rat plantaris muscle following denervation and compensatory overload. Pflügers Arch-Eur J Physiol 448: 539-546.

Ishii H and Kang Y (2002) Molecular basis underlying GABAA responses in rat mesencephalic trigeminal neurons. Neuroreport 13: 2265-2269.

Ishii H, Oota I, Arakawa T and Takuma T (2002) Differential gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor isoforms and their receptors in the development of the rat masseter muscle. Arch Oral Biol 47: 505-510.

Ishii H, Oota I, Takuma T and Inomata K (2001) Developmental expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in the masseter muscle of rats. Arch Oral Biol 46: 77-82.

石井久淑、太田 勲、田隈泰信、広瀬公治、猪股孝四郎(1999)ラット咀嚼筋の毛細血管網に関する研究 2. 幼若ラット咬筋における血管新生誘導因子と毛細血管網の発達の関係について. 東日本歯誌 181: 155-162.

石井久淑、太田 勲、田隈泰信、広瀬公治、猪股孝四郎(1998)ラット咀嚼筋の毛細血管網に関する研究 1. 幼若ラット咬筋の毛細血管網について. 東日本歯誌 172: 199-204.

山根美子、太田 勲、石井久淑、猪股孝四郎(1998)幼若ラットの顎下腺に対する粉末飼料の影響. 東日本歯誌 172: 191-198.

太田 勲、石井久淑、山根美子、猪股孝四郎、山口明彦(1998)幼若ラットの咬筋に対する粉末飼料の影響. 東日本歯誌 172: 183-190.

石井久淑、太田 勲、山根美子、猪股孝四郎(1998)ラット咀嚼筋線維の肥大あるいは萎縮を評価する指標について. 東日本歯誌 171: 61-66.